Formula One Race cool!

The end of April, Art and I flew to Brussels, Belgium. We drove to Spa Francorchamps, a famous Grand Prix Race Track in a lovely area of Belgium. There are many quaint towns adjacent to this course, which is 5 miles long...through the hills of this village. We went as "groupies" of a good friend, Peter Dunn, who races Vintage Formula One Cars as a hobby.

We stayed in Jalhay, at a darling inn, owned by a gentleman who worked for many years for Club the US, Paris and Monaco. He ran a quaint, clean, and charming place. It was Peter, his race team, Kevin & Melvin from England, Art and I, and a team of Interclub Golfers from Antwerp, Belgium, that consisted of about 20 crazy men! They were much fun! And we were a good audience!

We arrived Friday night in time for dinner, at the Inn. The next morning, after breakfast, we headed out to the race track for Peter's qualifying time trials. The place was amazing...with all sorts of vintage cars, lots of people, RV's, Tandem Rigs, and just a great atmosphere. It was cold and windy...but we had a great time. I did learn the use of those ear mufflers...when they started one of these cars in the pits, goodness, I jumped out of my SKIN!!!

Peter's car was quite spectacular...his racing was great, and we enjoyed our weekend of racing!