No, all kidding aside, we were priveleged to have two labrador retrievers, both girls, one black, Oscar, and one yellow, Dijon. The "girls", as they are affectionately called, were left behind here in Monaco when their Mom & Dad moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, to set up house there. Of course, Art says labs are like whores, they love the ones their with, and showed us all the love and affection they had to offer!!! Now, Mom says, they were never "left behind", and we know that well...the loving Mom & Dad entrusted us to their care!!! (better Deb?) LOL
Two or three times a day we took great walks with the girls, along the waters edge, down to the Mala Beach Walk in Cap d'Ail, to Doggie Beach and back...and on and on. One Saturday morning, Art and I took the girls to market in San Remo, and enjoyed a nice lunch after wards. The Girls caused quite a commotion in the restaurant, by just lounging out on the floor next to our table. What a joy to have them with us.
I took a trip back to the States to visit my grandson, and the girls went to doggie heaven, or, Jilly's house, in Gorbio...a doggies B & B...or should I say, B&B & D...Bed, Breakfast and Dinner...American Plan. They were there for two weeks and enjoyed it when brought back to our home afterwards.
We also took the girls for a short road trip to St. Tropez, one Saturday. The girls love the car ride, and loved the walk along the water. Although, it was NOT a nice day to be in St. Tropez, the Mistral Wind kicked up and it was raging at about 40 miles per hour, sand flying everywhere, and just not a good day to be out at a market. But, lunch was superb, and the girls were as good as gold.

On the 25th of March, Deb, the girls Mom, Art and I boarded a plane to JFK airport from Nice. It was quite an excursion, TWO BIG dog kennels, the girls, luggage, and a totally nervous Mom!!! We got them through it all, and the girls met us on the other side of the "pond" with no signs of any wear and tear! Thank God.... (again, Mom was handling this quite well, even took a good nap on the plane!)
Here are our loving boarders...we sure do miss them!!!

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